Djinn Djinni


The Resonance

Be the first ​to hear

"Be Patient ​Eugene” when ​it drops on ​JULI 19 '24

Djinn Djinni are;

Simon van Weelden infinite guitar and drums

Pi-Qui Baltink guitar and singing

Erna Berendsen guest vocals on Insight, The Resonance

We like to improvise and create from scratch.

We played on festivals in the past and hope to do the same again.



“Simon van Weelden and Pi-Qui ​Baltink are Djinn Djinni. Some ​people reviewed the music as ​magnetic, mysterious, strange, ​hypnotic, tranquilizing, weird, alien. ​While others cannot stand it.

20 juli 2024

Sad Song surfaced after the relentless ​genocide performed by Zionist Jewish ​apartheid Israel. The illegal state shows ​what it really is, Zionist Jewish beasts ​and murderers of the original ​inhabitants, Palestinians. Simon and I ​are against all wars performed by our ​par​tially barbaric society.

W.Rozendal ​-​ Djinn Djinni reviewed.

21 may 2019

We we're experimenting with some old ​synths a young programmer created. ​Sadly the programmer has died of corona​ a few years ago. We wanted to make a ​song that showed the world that we ha​ve gone beyond all limits when it c​omes to catastrophic climate change​. Pi-Qui


and Shows

DjinnDjinni show in your area

May 30

Anti Apartheid Israel concert

Aaarg studios

May 15

Anti Joe Biden concert

Performing live on air

May 1-3

Anti Zionism meeting

April 23


with DJ Pi-Qui








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The mind is faster

than light

DjinnDjinni blog

The Forbes 500 and its owned politicians are the real climate criminals

The Forbes 500 and its owned politicians are the real climate criminals! The claim that the Forbes 500 and their associated politicians are "climate ​criminals" is a strong and provocative one.

The reason behind this statement:

1. Fossil Fuel Dependency and Environmental Impact Many of the largest corporations on the Forbes 500 list are deeply entrenched in industries that are ​major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, such as oil, gas, and coal. These industries have significant environmental footprints, leading to air and ​water pollution, habitat destruction, and significant carbon emissions.

2). Corporate Lobbying and Political Influence Multinationals engage in extensive lobbying to influence policy in their favor.

3) Blocking Climate Legislation: Fossil fuel companies and their allies have historically lobbied against climate policies that would restrict emissions or ​impose costs on carbon, such as carbon taxes or stricter environmental regulations.

4)Funding Climate Denial and Misinformation Big Oil and banks have funded think tanks and campaigns that spread misinformation about climate science, ​creating doubt and delaying action. Financial support for organizations and scientists who deny the scientific consensus on climate change. Funding ​campaigns that downplay the severity of climate change or the role of fossil fuels in causing it.

5) Through political contributions, large multinationals and wealthy individuals buy influence in politics.

6) Super PACs and Dark Money: Funding of political action committees that can spend unlimited amounts of money to support or oppose candidates and ​policies, often without full transparency.

7) Obstruction of Renewable Energy Development, fossil fuel companies have taken active steps to hinder the growth of renewable energy through market ​manipulation!!!

So the accusation that the Forbes 500 and their owned politicians are "climate criminals" stems from their significant roles in perpetuating fossil fuel ​dependency, obstructing climate action, spreading misinformation, and leveraging political influence to shape policies in their favor. So good people ​organisations like LETZTE Genaration and Xtinction Rebellion are ruthlessly attacked by goverrnments and the police.

People fight back. Pi-Qui


Djinn Djinni

Hi dear music lovers and friends. Simon and ​Pi-Qui are Djinn Djinni. We make what we ​call chiphop, because most modern gear ​uses a computer chip to make sounds. If you ​want to support us, and our music, you can ​buy songs from us directly. For instance 1 ​song will cost you 2 euro, 4 songs will cost ​you 5 euro. We can use the money for more ​gear, or better promotion.

When you go to ​ ​and tell us which song or songs you want to ​buy, we will send it to you through ​WeTransfer. Therefor we need your email ​address.

Ad your email to the payment when you ​send your money to W.Rozendal ​NL24ASNB8833275272. She is our ​bandmanager. Also mention the songs you ​want. You can send Pi-Qui the list on his ​email